
This guide is for people who would like to be involved in building Protosearch.


Firstly, welcome and thanks for your interest in Protosearch!

Getting Started

We hope to maintain a list of good first issues to serve as starting points for new contributors. Occasionally this list might run empty, in which case, feel free to open a new issue asking for suggestions on where to get started.

If you see an issue that interests you, and no one is currently assigned to it, please comment on the issue stating your interest.

Building The Project

First you'll need to get the code, likely by cloning the repo locally:

git clone

Protosearch uses sbt and sbt-typelevel to manage its build.

Here are some common tasks and their sbt commands:

Task sbt command
prepare for PR prePR
format code scalafmtAll
run JVM tests rootJVM/test
preview the site docs/tlSitePreview

The prePR command will run formatting and various linting checks similar to what happens when you open a pull request. It does not run tests though, so be sure to do that as well.

Protosearch cross compiles to multiple platforms, so commands that run for each platform, like test can take a while. It's often nice to focus on a single platform at first, and then test the others. For example, to run the tests in the core project for just Scala.js run coreJS/test.

Running The Project

Currently the best way to run a modified version of protosearch is to publish the sbt plugin locally.

Note that the protosearch sbt plugin only works on projects using sbt-typelevel

There are 3 steps to this process:

Make sure you have started sbt server. If not, enter sbt in terminal

1. Publish locally

1.1. We publish all modules for Scala 2.12 which is what all sbt plugins use.

Using command:

++2.12.19 publishLocal

1.2. Grab the version for our locally published protosearch from the log output.

You'll likely see something like the following:

delivering :: pink.cozydev#protosearch-sbt;0.0-083dc6f-SNAPSHOT :: 0.0-083dc6f-SNAPSHOT ...

It's that 0.0-083dc6f-SNAPSHOT bit that we want (Note that the version you see will be different).

We can use that to add our locally published version of the protosearch-sbt plugin to another project's build.

2. Add protosearch-sbt coords to plugins.sbt

Let's add it to http4s.

2.1. Clone http4s, git clone

2.2. Add the following to its project/plugins.sbt file that we got from step 1:

addSbtPlugin("pink.cozydev" % "protosearch-sbt" % "0.0-083dc6f-SNAPSHOT")

3. Run tlSite

3.1. Start an sbt session in http4s by running sbt in your terminal.

3.2. Now we can run tlSite for the http4s docs to build an index using our locally published version of protosearch:


Note that sometimes the documentation project is called docs and so the command would be docs/tlSite. The above will produce search.html and searchIndex.idx files in the site/target/docs/site/search/ directory.

3.3. We can use the preview server to run a local web server for the documentation site.


Now, in your local browser, load up localhost:4242/search/search.html to see the search UI!